Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday's Follies

I haven’t had much time to think today, finishing up a very busy work week. Not sure what it is, but this week had really been hectic and filled with dealing with minor problems that take up a bunch of time with little to show for the time invested.
Happy Mother’s day weekend, hope you’re doing something fun for a Mom in your life! I won a set of chocolates from Caputo's today, so I am getting someone to drive me their tomorrow, can't wait to have a sandwich there for lunch.

Angels Hands Kite Fly is next weekend. We’ll cook 500+ hotdogs for Angels Hands kids and families. All these kids want is a day to be “normal” , fly a kite, eat a hot dog, get some sun and just BE. Some local Kite flyers will be there, from small to HUGE kites. They even make some Angels Hands kites for the kids! I live for these events. They feed my soul and help me recharge. Frankly that’s a big part of what’s getting me through right now, looking forward to these events.

The Ronald McDonald House is the weekend after that. Once a month a group of my friends and I get together and cook a dinner for the families and sick kids that are staying there. This time we’re cooking Breakfast, should be interesting. This is another event that I really look forward to each month. We pay for the food out of our pocket, but have enough people cooking so it’s not a huge financial burden.

Be nice to someone this weekend who doesn't expect it. Put a smile on someone's face. Just do it.

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