Sunday, May 5, 2013


Not really too much to blog about today, been a very laidback day. Got up early, then went back to bed for a while.  Got some work done and then worked on exercising my ankle. Two weeks from tomorrow is the next deadline. Made breakfast for dinner. Spent a fair amount of time without the boot on today, pretty strange actually, the leg feels pretty naked without it, not to mention unprotected.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about my earlier years. I am an Army brat, so I’ve lived on a number of different bases, some of them are gone now.  Even several of the bases I was at when I was in the Navy are gone. I’ve lived everywhere from Monterey California  to Stuttgart Germany, from Augusta Georgia to South Bend Indiana. Makes me kind of sad.  Still, I wouldn’t change any of it. Living in Germany was incredible. My mom was a castle nut, so we visited a lot of castles.
Naval Training Center in San Diego (where I was in Boot Camp) is gone, now it’s an industrial development. Fort Ord California is gone as well I lived there as a teenager. Treasure Island CA (Navy duty) is basically closed as well…Patch and Robinson Barracks in Stuttgart Germany (lived there as a kid) are still there, still can see some videos on Youtube of them.  We lived in Germany when it was almost five Marks (German dollars) to the dollar. It was cheaper to go out to eat on the Economy in some cases than buy groceries at the PX.  I was learning German in school from a German national, it was amazing. Then I tried to take German when we came back to the states and was told that I had an accent by an American instructor..hilarious…

Well the bills are starting to roll in on my foot. Today I owe about $500 for services billed to date.  That’s three doctor visits, two sets of X-rays and some cheap pain meds that I ended up throwing away. And people wonder why the medical system in this country is broken. Now bear in mind neither doctor did anything, other than say “Yup, it’s broken, stay off of it”. And those charges do not include the knee scooter either. Of course, surgery would have been almost $8,000, so I’ve got that going for me.


  1. My wife got hives REALLY bad. Went to UVRMC. A Dr. Kallas was the ER physician. He saw her NO MORE than 20 seconds. He wanted $350.00 for those 20 seconds. Basically $17.50 per SECOND. A 40 hour (40 hours X 60 Seconds X 17.5 SEC.) work week Would net you about 42,000 a WEEK or a little over 2 million if you worked 52 weeks..

  2. And they wonder why the medical system is screwed.
