Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sorry about the blog post last night. I was fighting with Google, who was telling me that no one was reading it, when I knew damn well they were. Evidently that has been fixed.

Really feeling the need to get out, maybe go to Pirate O’s and Trader Joes… never hurts to feed my inner foodie… Wonder what other trouble I could get into on one foot.

One “good “ side of this, at least I am sleeping decently. I was concerned I’d get up in the middle of the night, get out of bed and walk on my bad foot, so I sleep with the boot on.  I thought it would be a major problem to sleep in the boot. Not so little duck, hasn’t been a problem so far. And when I do wake up the extra weight from the boot reminds me.  Interesting, because I think it weighs more than the cast did, but I can take it off unlike a cast so that’s a bonus.

Still having trouble sitting for long periods of time. I just don’t know how people do it. The time just seems to drag on and on, even when I’m working. Thank God I am still working. My work has never been more caught up, my desk has never been cleaner. Some processes have been eliminated and some created and it’s really helped.  Haven’t been able to do many site visits, but they’re slow right now anyway so it’s not a factor. I have my work planned out through the end of the year.

Seventeen days until I see the Voodoo Witch Doctor again. I have made up my mind that I’m not going to go another month without walking on this foot. Two months is plenty. I have been religious about staying off of it, taking calcium supplements and sitting on my ass. I’ve also been doing stretching and range of motion exercises on my right ankle to keep the mobility in it. It’s just about back to being the same as my left ankle. 

Papa Murphy’s…Once a year they do a Taco Pizza. So I ordered two pizzas and some cheese bread today online at Noon, paid for it the whole nine yards. My daughter Tiffany goes to pick them up at 4 pm.  Not only are they not ready, they look at her like she’s got a third eye. One pizza is a Taco and one is a cheese with Canadian Bacon.  Both are supposed to be Family size. First they try to hand her a Canadian Bacon cheese..Are you kidding me? So they fix it, then try to charge her for the pizza’s. I ORDERED THEM ONLINE!!!

Tiff brings me the pizza. They’re the wrong size, smaller than I paid for.  So we call them and the Assistant Manager basically calls Tiff a liar. Then tells her that they built the correct size pizza. Since they’re both Family size, shouldn’t they be the same size??!! Well they weren’t. So BACK to Papa Murphy’s she goes, where they have now made the correct size pizza. Here’s my bitch.. I ordered online…FOUR HOURS in advance, including paying for it. ALL they had to do was make two pizzas correctly, and on-time.  And yet they still couldn’t manage to pull it off.  I will say however, that the pizza was pretty darn good.


  1. The problem is this.. It's low information/I dont care people that work there.. and it is becoming endemic..
    It's like taking pride in your work has been replaced with an entitlement attitude. you OWE them something when you come through the door. You should suck it up if they do it wrong..

    1. I agree, that was exactly their attitude. Pathetic.
