Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Carpe Diem - Sieze the day

A friend of mine's father passed away today and candidly some of the same things went through my head each time I hear of a loved one's passing. Make every day count, tell those around you how you feel about them, etc etc etc...And then I thought...What does that mean????

Make every day count....Don't just trudge through life, scraping out each day.. Make them count..Make it count at work, make it count at home, make it count to other people. Get someone to smile, make someone's day, it's actually pretty easy to do.

For the longest time in my life I kept my feelings to myself, kept them bottled up inside. I didn't tell people how I felt about them. I held grudges, fueled anger and made excuses for all of it. I haven't always been a good Dad or husband, or person for that matter. But as time passed it all started to become clearer, to make sense...I've set my pride aside and asked for forgiveness, and tried to give some on the way as well. Tried to make better choices, be a better person. Doesn't always work, but I'm getting better at it. So can you...

The storal to the mory - Fix those relationships while you still can, while you (and they) are still around. It has been said that time heals all wounds, not sure about that but time can make them easier to heal, at the very least. You might be surprised, maybe the other side will meet you half way...

TELL people how you feel about them, and do it often. Don't assume that they know. Mean it when you say it, and make sure they know that you do. Say thank you once in a while. These changes in your behavior don't happen overnight, but can begin with a single gesture.

Ok, enough mushy stuff for one day.

Til next time...

1 comment:

  1. Change is the hardest thing for everyone.
    Second to that is acknowledging the fact that a change is needed.
