Monday, April 29, 2013

Dirtbags at Costco

A little bit better today. Went to the Habit Hamburger Grill and introduced my daughter Tiffany to their fabulous food. Although it’s still a major pain in the ass getting up those $@#%@#$^% stairs. Tiff and I blazed through Costco spending almost $200 in under 20 minutes. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I’ve decided that the people that are assholes in the stores apply it equally to everyone, even those of us who are “challenged” for lack of a better term. I especially loved the douche bag who decided that he didn’t need to wait in line with all of us great unwashed while we waiting to be checked out at the door. He obviously was MUCH more important than the rest of us. Glad the Costco gal nabbed him..I thought about throat punching him, would have definitely made me feel better.

Been spending some of my time rethinking my processes for work.  It helps to examine how I do certain things, decide if the process needs work or adjustment and then put those ideas into place. I’ve discovered a few processes to tweak, and the side benefit is that for that time I don’t think about my foot. Interesting how that works….

Set my next appointment with the Voodoo Witch Doctor for another look at my foot. Three more weeks of this bullshit hopping around on one leg stuff. Can’t wait for the next set of excuses about why I can’t walk on it. That will make over two months off my feet. At that appointment unless he can give me a concrete reason why I shouldn’t, I’m going to start rehabbing it myself.

My right ankle seems to be atrophying somewhat so I’m doing some range of motion exercises with it each day. Hurts like hell but I think it’s important to keep it loose. I plan on walking and walking and walking once I can do so.

I am starting to realize why I have been so angry over this, I’ve never been injured like this before. I did break both of my wrists a number of years ago, but that didn’t stop me from doing everything, including cooking and driving.  The level of anger and frustration is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before and it’s been difficult to deal with it. In fact, that’s why I’ve been documenting it here.  Somehow I feel better when I write it down. It’s a much better forum here than being a whiney bitch on Facebook.

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