Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jerome Idaho High School orders commemorative shot glasses for Prom? Bwahahahahahahah

Ah Wednesday...That means Survivor on TV tonight, love that show. Can't wait for another season of Big Brother either...

The news continues to be filled with more bits of information found in Boston about the bombings. I think it's interesting that no one has stepped forward to claim responsibility..What does it mean? Been doing some more reading on the use of pressure cookers as improvised explosive devices. There are numerous references on how to build these into bombs on the internet. Then again, information of that sort has been around for centuries..Back in the sixties it was the Anarchist's Cook Book. true story, look it up.

Speaking of which, how did we ever live without the internet? Ever stop to think about that? Want to fix something, go on YouTube, it's almost certain to be there. Here a while back my washer was leaking water. I had a pretty good idea what the problem was, and no idea how to open up the washer to get to the part. A quick search on YouTube revealed several videos..Five minutes later (with the aid of a paint scraper) the washer was opened up and repairs were started! Need a user's manual? Go online and you can usually find it. Order groceries, banking, medical records you name it, it's out there..I wonder how this will change in the next 20 years..Will the internet continue to be all you can eat, or will you be paying ala carte? Will upload and download speeds continue to improve? Browsers?

Look outside, look inside..Life still goes on around us. Embrace it, Enjoy it, Love it, then do the same to everyone around you...

Finished watching the old Battlestar Galactica, all 24 episodes last night. Starting the "new" Battlestar Galactica tonight. LOVE Netflix..for eight bucks a month

Jerome Idaho of all places..Ordering commemorative Shot Glasses for I've figured out how to do links properly on my blog!!.

Obama frustrated with Congress...hmmmm

Joe Biden commented “If we don't get it today, we'll get it eventually,” he assured gun control supporters.
I am sure you'll try Joe, even though a VOTE was taken...


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