Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 31 Whiny Little Bitch Post

Day 31 of my being a whiny little bitch. That’s why I haven’t been on Facebook the last couple of days. I didn’t trust myself as to what I might post. This broken foot is driving me crazy. Strange pains in the foot and ankle that move around on a daily basis.Bizarre.

Tried taking the boot off thought it would be more comfortable, even if only for a little while. Interestingly enough, I hated it. My foot felt strange, naked and unprotected.  In the month that the cast had been on a callous had started to form on my ankle, evidently from rubbing against it, looks like crocodile skin.

You can take one look at me and know I don’t lead a very active life, but this sedentary lifestyle has really opened my eyes.  No energy, listless, don’t really care. I plan on increasing my activity level to a much higher level once I can walk again. Whenever that might be.

Read somewhere that it couldn’t hurt to take some supplements to help the fracture heal. So I’ve been taking Bone Strength, told the Dr. about it. He made some snide remark about how your body prioritizes the need for calcium, so it doesn’t really help it heal faster, but it can help rebuild your own calcium supplies. What an arrogant ass.

I miss driving. Never thought that would be a part of the equation. The simple ability to walk out to your car and take yourself somewhere, on a whim..

This is the part where I tell myself (or others tell me) that:
A.  It’s going to get better
B.  There are others that are worse off than me
C.  Rub some dirt on it, you’ll be ok

Yeah, I’ll keep telling myself all of that… really helps….NOT..

Nobody else is walking a day in my…shoe….

See what I mean…Whiny little bitch…

1 comment:

  1. Once upon a time I lost my right toes to an infection. I got that dam**d boot. I was NOT supposed to drive either and the evil, conspiring doctors gave me a boot with the toe SO FAT that it would not fit in the footwell of my 911. I decided that blew entirely and got out my hack saw and sawed the point to a nice, more pointed end. Voila! I could drive! Freedom! (in my best Mel Gibson Voice)
