Thursday, April 11, 2013

Peregrine Falcons

Peregrine Falcons…nesting in downtown SLC?!! Yup, and there are two camera’s that you can watch them on… 
This is my third year watching these magnificent birds set up housekeeping. Peregrine falcons don’t really build a nest, but they create a “scrape” where they put the eggs. They will take turns keeping the egg(s) safe and warm while the other feeds. 
 I can honestly say I have never sat around this much in my entire life. It takes so much effort to do anything, leave the house, go to the bathroom, you name it. Not complaining, just stating a fact. Even getting the groceries delivered means more work, they still have to be put away. Friday I get the cast replaced, not convinced at this point if I should let them recast it but I guess so. This hopping around on one foot sucks.
I did order some extra veggies and other items to experiment with cooking this weekend. That always seems to cheer me up.  I’ll keep you posted on that…
 Netflix has helped to pass some of the time at night. I’ve been watching the original Battlestar Galactica, loved it in the late seventies, watching it today I have no idea why. The dialogue is horrible as are the special effects, but I still can’t tear myself away. After I’m done watching those episodes I plan on watching the remake…
 Made the Homeowners Board meeting last night. Wasn’t a full meeting where all the residents attend, but it was five or six people sitting around deciding if we want to be the Board. Non paying position, so I wanted to talk to the other people to make sure they wanted to make a difference, not just rubber stamp everything. So now we have a board, and I’m the Secretary. We’ll see how it goes. It’s either be a part of the community or move as far as I’m concerned.
Today's Kitchen Tip:
Always keep a staple of go to items in the pantry, in particular those that you're comfortable cooking with, and have a long expiration date. Then when you're struggling to figure out what to make for dinner you can look to your pantry for inspiration... 
 Strange day today, doesn’t seem like a Thursday.  Though in retrospect I am not sure what Thursday is supposed to feel like…

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