Sunday, April 21, 2013

I am in a foul mood, and so is the language in this blog. You have been warned.

If this week starts out like today has been, I swear I will end up choking the life out of someone before Friday..Today has just been one of those days that everything I touch has turned to shit. And it just keeps getting better.

I am sick and tired of being dependent on others around me for even the simplest of things.. I can’t even make my own meal, unless it’s a sandwich, and I roll it up and tuck it in my pocket. Try going to the bathroom on one foot. Do I need to extrapolate?? 

I have to be driven everywhere I go. And don’t even get me started about those goddamn stairs outside my condo. There’s only eight of them but there might as well be eighty, trying to hope up each stair on one leg..Looking back, I should have just said fuck it, let it heal on its own and I’ll take my chances. That may yet happen tomorrow.

You try it. Go around for ONE day, using only one foot. I promise you that it will drive you crazy. Today was the first time I figured out how to dress myself completely, without help. Took almost 20 minutes, and I was exhausted when I was done, but I freaking did it…Then I figured out that since I had been rolling around on the floor (less distance to fall) I was covered in cat hair..fuck me.

Tomorrow I get to find out if these voodoo witch doctors want me in a cast for another month. I can already see my right calf disappearing before my eyes as it atrophies in the cast. My left leg looks like someone took a coat hanger to it, either beating against it or poking holes in it, a consequence of using this knee scooter. You ever tried going up or down stairs dragging a knee scooter??!! Don’t. It sucks.

 I am out of pain pills and it’s probably a good thing. Between the godawful itching and the incessant dehydration, they’re not worth taking. You’d think in this day and age these doctors could give me something that doesn’t have side effects worse than the pain..yeah, no shit. Ha, get it?? Yeah, that’s another WONDERFUL side effect of these pain pills. So I take aspirin and a bone supplement, both of which make me queasy the entire day..

Yes there are lots of other people out there worse off than me, but right now I am just bitching about my situation. I haven’t seen my right shoe to my favorite pair of tennis shoes for over a month.

And another thing. If I hear one more person whine about gun control, after we just passed the 18 Anniversary of Oklahoma City, and just now the Boston Marathon, and all the terrorist activity on American soil, both from Americans, and illegal aliens, I am not going to be responsible. Come talk to me when you have rid our country completely of all illegal aliens and then we can begin a reasonable conversation.

And before you ask, yes I have taken all of my meds so keep walking, there's nothing to see here...


  1. Have you ever considered that, perhaps, a higher power is trying to tell you something? Be Humble? Accept help? Allow others to bless your life, as you have blessed others for so long? Maybe.. ?

  2. Perhaps you are right...just not very good at it.

  3. One of the hardest things we do is let someone help us. You know the feeling you get when you have the opportunity to help someone .
