Wednesday, April 3, 2013

So I tried adding some 2% milk to the scrambled eggs tonight, not sure it made much of a difference. Will have to try it with something that has more fat in it, like creme fraiche. On a side note, I used fresh locally homegrown eggs from a friend of mine, MUCH more taste than the eggs you get at the store (one of them the shell was even green) I had ordered in some SPAM, three different flavors, Tabasco, Black Pepper and Jalapeno. I've tried the Tabasco before, also known as Hot and Spicy, very nice but hadn't tried the other two flavors. Seemed to make sense to try the Black Pepper Spam tonight with breakfast. Sliced it and fried it with no oil...Very tasty indeed. Very peppery as expected.

One of my daughters is in New York this week, one of the few places in the US I haven't managed to get to, I am very jealous. She took the $25 train ride into New York, had a Chicago Dog, watched the Hari Krishna's and saw Madam Taussaud's Wax museum. The pictures of the exhibits looked very lifelike. Interesting living vicariously through others.

My other daughter registered my 2000 Mercury Mountaineer, total cost to register was $120 for a year. I know it's only $10 a month, but it still seems pretty expensive to register a 13 year old car to me.

Weather's getting warmer, but remember it's still April in Utah. If you're going to play in the outdoors keep a close eye on the weather, it can change very rapidly. Speaking of change, when was the last time you looked at your spare tire, jack and lug wrench in your car? Checked your oil and antifreeze? Tire pressures ok on all four tires?

Getting a little better moving around on the knee cart, staying away from those crutches, for me they're a death trap. Interestingly enough, now my right leg is bruising around where the top of the cast hits my leg, don't now if that's normal or not. My left foot, toes and ankle are all tender, from being hit by the knee scooter, but it's still better than not getting around at all. Thus ends the first week of a (hopefully) only four week endurance of the cast. And that's only if I don't cut it off before then...


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