Thursday, April 4, 2013

I love Reality TV – Survivor Spoiler Alert

My name is Roger and I am a Reality TV junkie..A lot of it is staged and done at the behest of the producers..and I don’t care..

^Link to last night’s show^

Survivor ROCKED last night. Cochran finally won an Immunity Challenge, no mean feat in and of itself. They had to eat some crazy food. And what a great blindside on Corinne, she didn’t even see it coming. Now is when it really starts to get interesting, as there is no more tribal immunity. We’ll start to see a lot more backstabbing, lying and drama. More of human nature at it’s finest…not…

Waiting for Survivor to end so we can start another season of Big Brother, love that show as well. Cage up a bunch of people, pit them against each other for money and watch the hilarity ensue. Want to have some guilty fun? Go on YouTube and do a search for Big Brother in other countries..Ours is lame by comparison but still great fun to watch. Don’t bother buying the late night package though, it’s not worth the all…Note the scheduling changes in the link, they’re starting the show two weeks earlier and changing the nights that it’s on..more to come on that.

Go some clothes that I ordered in the mail, now I have more than gym shorts and man pants to jeans won’t fit over the cast..(something else in my life I had taken for granted). Never really bought clothes through the mail before so it was kind of a crap shoot but they fit so it worked out ok.

Pet’s Mosquito season and that means your pets need their heartworm vaccine..Please get vaccinated as soon as possible..


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